Conduct ACD Working Group study on optimal research training of individuals in clinical disciplines

The ACD Biomedical Workforce Working Group was charged with addressing physician scientist training as well as Ph.D. training. The economic and educational drivers which affect the training and career paths of the physician scientist workforce are very different from those underlying Ph.D. research training and career paths and there was not sufficient time for the working group to examine this important part of the biomedical workforce in detail. In addition, the changing landscape of health care and the effects these changes likely will have on academic medical centers need to be projected carefully and considered when analyzing the future physician-scientist workforce. Therefore, the working group recommended that NIH conduct a follow-on study that focuses on physician-scientists and involves people who train physician scientists, as well as economists who focus on medical education costs, career choices, and the role of these as incentives.

As a result of this recommendation, the Physician-Scientist Workforce Working Group was launched at the December 2012 ACD meeting. The ACD charged the Physician-Scientist Workforce Working Group to:

The term 'physician-scientist' will be used to include individuals with a broad range of professional degrees, including M.D., D.V.M., D.D.S., RN and others who interact with clinical subjects. The committee will make recommendations for actions that NIH should take to support a sustainable and diverse clinical research infrastructure, as well as recommendations for actions needed by other relevant stakeholders.

The PSW is co-chaired by:

David Ginsburg, M.D., James V. Neel Distinguished University Professor, Departments of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, and Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan Medical School, Life Sciences Institute, co-chair

Sherry Mills, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Office of Extramural Programs, NIH/OD/OER, co-chair

Susan Shurin, M.D., Deputy Director, National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood, co-chair


ACD Clinician (Physician) Scientist Workforce group had their first in-person meeting on July 19th. The final report of this working group is due mid-2014.

Related Information

Physician-Scientist Workforce Working Group ACD website
